Objectives: Use radio as a medium for young people in ML:
The objective of these workshops is to produce short radio chronicles. it seems relevant to use the radio tool both for work on oneself (personal development; relationship to the constraint imposed by an activity; work on the imagination), or as a means of socialization (openness to others, communication , writing, teamwork).
Radio expression is broad enough to allow the creation of formats adapted to different groups (radio dramas, reports, readings, live shows, etc.). The Mission Locale Rochefort Marennes Oléron mainly offers interventions over a period of time (from four days to a week) in order to live an intense experience of collective creation. She attaches a particular dimension to the notion of writing texts recorded from a writing workshop, and of voices in order to preserve the quality of the recordings.
The chronicles theme is worked on upstream of the project by the WebRAdio project teams and the advisers of the Local Mission. Indeed, experience shows the need to have prepared the subject upstream before the collective practice, in order to fuel the debates between the participants at the time of the apprehension of the subject and also to anticipate the making of contact for the interviews. if necessary.
For La Mission Locale Rochefort Marennes Oléron, the radio medium is an almost unlimited toolbox that allows you to create possibilities, collective adventures, discoveries about oneself and others. In terms of equipment, the association is already equipped with a radio studio which allows all types of programs to be produced.